reiki for health
  • How Kundalini Reiki Works

    How Kundalini Reiki Works

    When we say Kundalini, it usually refers to the opening of various "healing channels" and "charkas" that gives people easy access in gaining the energy of the Earth. Here, the "root chakra" serves as the center of energy that paves the way for the Kundalini energy to enter. Also referred to as the "Kundalini fire," Kundalini energy is said to flow all throughout the person's body and taps the body's "main energy channel." Once it the energy has reached "main energy channel," the Kundalini Reiki will now exit the "crown chakra," and comes back in a form of cycle. In Kundalini Reiki, the energy that has been released from a person through a channel enters the "root chakra," passes through "crown chakra" -- which is usually located on top of a person's head -- and stay there for a period of time. During its stay in the "crown chakra," the Kundalini Reiki cleanses the "charkas" in the different parts of the body and channels it all throughout the system. Here's the step-by-step procedure how Kundalini Reiki works: 1. The first step in making Kundalini Reiki work is by opening the channels where Reiki energy will flow. This step is called…

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